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Curriculum Content

Our workshops on Curriculum Content are designed to equip educators with the knowledge and skills to develop rich and engaging curriculum materials that align with standards and meet the diverse needs of students. Through hands-on sessions, participants explore best practices in curriculum design, assessment strategies, and content integration. Gain practical insights into creating coherent and rigorous units, incorporating real-world connections, and fostering interdisciplinary learning. Join us to enhance your curriculum expertise and make a lasting impact on student learning.


Teachers serve as learning facilitators rather than lecturers in OpenSciEd classrooms. They work with students to put  phenomenon-based lessons into practice by using a storytelling format. The teaching strategy guides students through five routines in which they research various questions, piece together the information from those investigations, and then problematize the subsequent set of inquiries.


Modeling Instruction

A guided-inquiry method for teaching science known as modeling instruction centers instruction around a clear narrative of model development. With this approach, students receive topic education while actively participating in scientific inquiry. When compared to similar students in regular classrooms, research has revealed that kids in Modeling Instruction classrooms dramatically outperform them on tests of conceptual understanding.


Argument Driven Inquiry

ADI provide courses in engineering, mathematics, and science. Students are provided opportunities to understand and apply fundamental concepts at the heart of each investigation or creative challenge. Students in each investigation use their understanding of STEM fields to determine how or why something occurs and create a solution to an issue. Through reading for information and evaluating it, talking to discuss, criticize, and fine-tune ideas, and writing to share what they learned, our resources provide children with a realistic and relevant context in which to develop discipline-based literacy skills.

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